Daddy's Drama: Day by Day

My daily experience being a Dad

Day 191: 3 To Triple, Twice 3 To Halve

on November 26, 2012

I love numbers. So I like it even more when cool things happen with numbers without even having to try to make something cool happen.

We had Jackson’s 6 month check up today with the doctor. He was very pleased and said he he right on track, growth wise, with where a 6 month old should be. He said he is just as healthy as can be. He also pointed out that Jackson’s actions in the office (sitting up on the doctors table by himself and leaning over to grab and pull at the paper) were 7 month old behavior (specifically the leaning over and grabbing, which is something Jackson has gotten quite good at with his toys), so that was cool to hear. It was also really neat to see Jackson sitting there, raptly paying attention as Dr. Sean spoke and watching him and making eye contact and everything. I had myself a proud daddy moment for sure.

Ok, now the numbers. Oh boy!!!

Jackson is 15 pounds, 3 ounces. This means he only has 3 pounds to go before he will have tripled his birth weight. Lots of threes there, and three is twice as much as six (6 month check up).

Height wise, Jackson is 2 feet 2 inches tall. Amanda is 5 feet 4 inches tall. This means Jackson only has 6 inches to go (twice 3 again) before he will be half as tall as Amanda. HOLY MOLY!! That is quite the thought. Half as tall as his mommy. Wow!!! The guy is getting so big so fast 🙂

Thank you for reading.

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